OK, So Here is another toy app i wrote to understand Multi-threading in JavaFX.
The main focus of this app is to understand multi-threading in JavaFX. So, Do not use it for any real world encryption,
By the way the algorithm that i used in this app was found in a python module called "this" also known as "Zen of Python".
Here is the main logic of the app. You can find full repo on Github or Download Standalone jar
The main focus of this app is to understand multi-threading in JavaFX. So, Do not use it for any real world encryption,
By the way the algorithm that i used in this app was found in a python module called "this" also known as "Zen of Python".
Here is the main logic of the app. You can find full repo on Github or Download Standalone jar
/** imports omitted for brevity **/ /** * * @author Aamir khan */ public class FXMLDocumentController implements Initializable { @FXML private TextArea input; @FXML private TextArea output; @FXML private Label counter; @FXML private Label progress; @FXML private Label progressMsg; @FXML private Button btn; @FXML private Label stopTask; final ImageView DONE_ICON = new ImageView( new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream("sign-check.png"))); StringBuilder demoText; private Map<character character> encodingMap; @Override public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) { init(); prepareMap(encodingMap); bindNodes(); } @FXML private void encrypt(ActionEvent event) { startTask(); } Service<void> task = new Service() { @Override protected Task createTask() { return new Task<void>() { long start = 0L; long stop = 0L; @Override protected Void call() throws Exception { String inputText = input.getText(); final float INPUT_LEN = inputText.length(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder((int)INPUT_LEN); start = System.nanoTime(); for (char c : inputText.toCharArray()) { Character ch = encodingMap.getOrDefault(c, c); result.append(ch); String percent = String.format("%.2f", (result.length() / INPUT_LEN) * 100); updateMessage("Processing... " + percent + "%"); if (isCancelled()) { updateMessage("Task Was Cancelled " + percent + "% was done"); break; } } stop = System.nanoTime(); Platform.runLater(() -> { output.setText(result.toString()); }); return null; } @Override protected void succeeded() { progressMsg.setText("Done. in " + (stop - start) / 1000000000.0 + " sec"); progressMsg.setGraphic(DONE_ICON); updateMessage(""); } }; } }; boolean wasStartedBefore = false; /** * start or restart the task */ private void startTask() { if (wasStartedBefore) { task.restart(); } else { task.start(); wasStartedBefore = true; } } @FXML private void cancleTask() { progress.setTextFill(Color.RED); task.cancel(); } /** * fills the @link{Map} with chars according to the algo <strong> ((i + 13) % 26 +c)</strong> * where i represents [a-z] * where c represents the range of [a-z] and [A-Z] * * <b>Note:the algorithm was copied form the python Module called "this"</b> * * @param map */ private void prepareMap(Map map) { System.out.println("preparing map"); for (int c : new int[]{65, 97}) { for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { Character key = (char) (i + c); Character value = (char) ((i + 13) % 26 + c); map.put(key, value); } } }//prepareMap ENDS //avoid re generating the text boolean wasTextNotGeneratedBefore = true; /** * Fill input field with some demo text */ @FXML private void fillWithDemoText() { //if Text was not generated before genetate it if (wasTextNotGeneratedBefore) { generateDemoTextAndFill(); wasTextNotGeneratedBefore = false; } //if text was generated before fill the input with some random text > 200000 characteres else { //just fill with some random data input.setText(demoText.substring(0, (int) (200000 + Math.random() * 500))); } }//fillWithDemoText ends /** * * Bind the properties to keep track the state of app * - keep track of input field changes and update the counter * - keep track of input field if its empty disable the encrypt/decrypt * button * - keep track of task property if a task is running disable the * encrypt/decrypt button till task is running * - keep update the progress Msg while task is running * - show the stop task label as the user start the task - Mor to come * */ private void bindNodes() { //keep track of input field changes and update the counter counter.textProperty().bind(input.textProperty().length().asString()); //keep track of input field if its empty disable the encrypt/decrypt button btn.disableProperty().bind(input.textProperty().isEmpty() .or(task.stateProperty().isEqualTo(RUNNING)) ); //keep update the progress Msg while task is running progress.textProperty().bind(task.messageProperty()); //show the stop task label as the user start the task stopTask.visibleProperty().bind(task.stateProperty().isEqualTo(RUNNING)); } /** * initialize things */ private void init() { encodingMap = new HashMap<>(52); stopTask.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Cancle Task")); //Some House keeping task.setOnReady(e -> { progressMsg.setText(""); progressMsg.setGraphic(null); progress.setTextFill(Color.web("#078ffa")); output.clear(); }); } /** * Generate some Demo Text and fill the input filed with the Text */ private void generateDemoTextAndFill() { new Thread() {//in future i am gonna use Executors String data = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod\n" + "tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,\n" + "quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo\n" + "consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse\n" + "cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non\n" + "proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n\n"; @Override public void run() { final int BUILDER_SIZE = (data.length() * data.length()); demoText = new StringBuilder(BUILDER_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) { demoText.append(data); } Platform.runLater(() -> { input.setText(demoText.toString()); }); } }.start(); } }
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